Raportare ISCIR

Local Data Base

Generates Annex 4

Generates Annex 3

Clients management

This is a desktop app written in Java Swing  which connects to a MySQL database and its main functionality is to manage clients of companies that install and maintain boilers. It is a simple application, easy to use and very useful to small companies in this domain, but can easily be adapted for other activities as well. The main objective is to reduce time spent in creating reports that need to be sent to clients and proper authorities.

The app is addressed to everyone who is authorized to install, verify and repair heating equipment that use solid, liquid and gas fuels with nominal power of less than 400KW which are described in annex 1 MECMA no. 1.007/2010 for approval of technical requirements PT A 1-2010.

These legal entities are regulated and verified by the State Inspection for boiler checks, high pressure containers lifting facilities – ISCIR.  Every legal entity that holds an authorization issued by ISCIR have the obligation to keep an up to date registry of work that was conducted and also to send quarterly to authorities in electronic format the up to date registry of appliances (Annex no. 4 from PT A 1-2010). Alongside this every legal entity needs to fill out the following annexes:

  • Annex 1 –  Conformity declaration:
    • Installing/Assembling – will be filled out by the legal entity authorized for installing or assembling the appliances
    • Repair – will be filled out by the legal entity authorized for repairing the appliance
  • Annex 2 – Conducted work registry
    • Installing/ Assembling – will be filled out by the legal entity authorized for installing and assembling of the appliance, RSL or RVT
    • Repair – will be filled out by the legal entity authorized to repair the appliance, RSL or RVT
  • Annex 3 – Appliances booklet
    • Is filled out by RVT when a VTP is done
  • Annex 4 – Registry of appliances under supervision – will record all checks done by the authorized legal entity
  • Annex 5 – Report for disposal of appliances – will be filled out by the RSVTI of the user

The app “Raportare ISCIR” automatically creates these annexes based on the inputted data and will help you save time.

Below you can see a few images of the app described above.

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